Fishing as a Metaphor for Job Searching

Yesterday I had an opportunity to go fishing in the gulf with a childhood friend. I met my friend and her 9 year-old son at her sister and brother-in-law’s boat in Tarpon Springs. As the five of us pulled away from the dock, I noticed how calm the water was; but once we got further out to the gulf, the water became choppy and the boat rocked back and forth. Eventually, we found a spot to fish, and as I watched my friend’s son hook one fish after another, I thought how job searching is similar to fishing.

Think about it; the resume is the worm or bait to attract the hiring manager, which is the fish.

When you’re fishing, you’re constantly hooking the bait and casting your line out to the water in hopes of catching a good-sized fish. I imagined the small fish that had to be thrown back as if it were an interview with a company that wasn’t a good fit. If it’s not a good size, it gets thrown back into the water. You bait your hook again and re-cast your line in the hopes of hooking a bigger fish.

I thought of the great big expanse of water as the job market. Sometimes the water is calm and it’s smooth sailing. In translating it to the job search, it’s easier to find the right job. Other times, the water is choppy and the boat is rocked back and forth. This can be translated to the current conditions in finding a job; it’s difficult to get a good foot-hold.

As in fishing, you have to keep baiting those hooks and casting the line out. Sometimes changing the bait (revamping the resume) will improve your chances.

The point is, to not give up. Eventually, you’ll hook that perfect fish; translated to finding that position with a company that’s best suited for you.

About Nana's Neapolitan Kitchen

This is a blog about the delicious Neapolitan dishes I learned to cook from my grandmother, whom we lovingly called Nana. Most of the recipes are tied to memories, which I will share with you. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoy remembering and sharing them.
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